The Hero Hockey India League’s newest entrant Kalinga Lancers recently launched its website weeks ahead of the start of the second edition. Odisha Chief Secretary Jugal Kishore Mohapatra did the honours at the secretariat conference hall in Bhubaneshwar in the presence of Development Commissioner Injeti Srinivas, CMD IDCO Vishal Dev, Secretary Sports & Youth Affairs Sri Saswat Mishra and other dignitaries.
Kalinga Lancers are the lone addition to the second edition of HIL and will compete with Delhi Waveriders, Mumbai Magicians, Uttar Pradesh Wizards, Ranchi Rhinos and Jaypee Punjab Warriors.
The website www.Kalingalancers.Com has been launched with an aim to promote and develop hockey activities in the state and also to link to social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Significantly, the website also facilitates online booking of tickets.
The franchise has been bought by the Odisha government at an estimated cost of Rs 12 crore.
Kalinga Lancers team consists of 14 Indian players and 10 international players among four from Odisha.
Indian men’s hockey team chief hockey coach Terry Walsh has been engaged as the chief coach of the team. Some of the Indian players have started training at the Kalinga Stadium, while the foreign players are scheduled to arrive here on January 20.
Kalinga Lancers are the lone addition to the second edition of HIL and will compete with Delhi Waveriders, Mumbai Magicians, Uttar Pradesh Wizards, Ranchi Rhinos and Jaypee Punjab Warriors.
The website www.Kalingalancers.Com has been launched with an aim to promote and develop hockey activities in the state and also to link to social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Significantly, the website also facilitates online booking of tickets.
The franchise has been bought by the Odisha government at an estimated cost of Rs 12 crore.
Kalinga Lancers team consists of 14 Indian players and 10 international players among four from Odisha.
Indian men’s hockey team chief hockey coach Terry Walsh has been engaged as the chief coach of the team. Some of the Indian players have started training at the Kalinga Stadium, while the foreign players are scheduled to arrive here on January 20.
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